Department of Botany
About the Department:
The Department of Botany in Dr. SRK Govt. Arts College was established under Allied Botany subject for Zoology main students in 1980. Of late, the department has received a number of appeals from students, parents, botanical communities for the introduction of the course of B.Sc. Botany. The proposal of introduction of BSc Botany course has been accepted by Government of Puducherry (DHTE) and affiliation accorded by Pondicherry University from 2020-21 academic year onwards with uptake of 20 seats. The BSc Botany students study the morphology and reproduction of non-flowering plants (Algae, Fungi, Bryophytes and Pteridophytes including bacteria and viruses) and flowering plants (Gymnosperms & Angiosperms), also identify them in the field and herbarium. Students understand the basic concepts of Developmental Botany, Angiosperm taxonomy, anatomy, physiology, ecology and Ethnobotany. Application oriented papers were recently introduced in the CBCS curriculum such as Herbal botany, Mushroom culture, Biofertilizers, Tissue culture, Plant breeding, etc. which help them to emerge as entrepreneurs.
The Department makes sincere efforts for innovative teaching and learning process. To improve the student’s skills in learning the subject, the department conducts student seminars, group discussions, weekly and monthly slip tests, internal continuous assessment tests (ICA tests) etc. also providing regular creative and general assignment works to the students.
ICT tools and Digital Classroom has been initiated in the Department of Botany and teaches all lessons of BSc Botany and Allied Botany through creative Power Point Presentations (PPTs). Online classes are conducting through DHTE G-Suite facility: Google meet, Google calendar; You tube and other platforms like Zoom app, cisco Webex etc. Students expressed their feedback as ‘Teaching with ICT tools as effective learning and easy understandable method’.
The department has well equipped Laboratory, Herbarium, Museum, Library, Nature Book (an Open Classroom-Green Campus Initiative) and Botanical Garden.
Vision & Mission:
- To provide opportunity for the students of Yanam region to study B.Sc. BOTANY course.
- To offer hands on training on practical Botany by exploring the existing forest resources and through laboratory.
- To provide career opportunities for the biology aspirants of the Yanam region in the fields of forestry, agriculture, horticulture, gardening, landscaping, and teaching.
- To develop skillful Botany human resources for the present needs of Biodiversity, Conservation, Ecology, Environment etc., and for research in Botany.
- To meet talent needs of exploring Flora of Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary and Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, EGREE region Mangrove vegetation, Coastal marine seaweed flora of Yanam and East Godavari region etc.
The List of Faculty and Garden attendant in the Department:
- Dr. J.V. Sudhakar – Assistant Professor and HOD
- Garden Attendant / Mali – Vacant
Faculty Profile:
Sl. No. |
Name of Faculty |
Qualification |
Year of Appointment |
Designation |
Specialization |
Teaching Experience |
1. |
Dr. Jana Venkata Sudhakar |
M.Sc., BE.d., Ph.D. |
2018 |
Head & Assistant Professor |
Plant Taxonomy & Systematics Conservation Biology |
4Years, 3 Months |
Student Profile:
Year |
Male |
Female |
Total |
2021-22 |
05 |
09 |
14 |
2020-21 |
06 |
14 |
20 |
Pondicherry University Examination Results:
Academic Year |
No. Students Appeared |
No. of Students Passed |
Pass Percentage |
2020-21 |
16 (Ist and 2nd Semester) |
16 (Ist and 2ndSemester) |
100% Pass |
Note: BSc Botany course started from 2020-21 onwards. Outgoing students not applicable. |
Departmental Activities:
Regularly conducting the following events in the department
1. ‘World Wetlands Day’
2. ‘National Science Day’
3. ‘National Youth Day’
4. ‘World Environmental Day’ – Celebrations with student seminars and invited or guest lectures.
5. Every Friday showing motivational and ethical words, quotations of famous personalities under ‘Oka Manchimata’.
Green Initiatives in the college by the Botany Department
1. Plantation Programmes by students
2. Developing ‘Botanical Garden’ under Eco-club
3. Arrangement of Potted Plants inside and outside corridors of the Botany department.
4. Completed Green audit and Dr. SRK Govt. College campus Flora
5. Initiated ‘Nature Book’ an open classroom in the Botanical Garden near Botany department.
6. Developed one compost unit near to the Department of Botany
Research Activities:
Consultancy Service by the Botany Department under Research Activity
- Completed ‘Ficus of India’ manuscript for ‘Flora of India’ with the request of Botanical Survey of India, Kolkata.
- Plant material (Ficus heterophylla) supplied for the propagation to the following institutes and gardens: Tamil Nadu Forest Genetics Division, Coimbatore; Telangana Botanical Garden, Jadcherla, Telangana.
- Ficus plant species material supplied to the Department of Biotechnology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore for DNA Barcoding studies.
- Ficus species (Moraceae family) script and signages developed for the ‘Ficus Garden’ in Tenali Municipality, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh under AMRUT Scheme. Cost of the consultancy Project: 25,000/-.
- Completed ‘Biodiversity of JNTUK, Kakinada Campus’ with collaboration of Dept. of Environmental Civil Engineering, JNTUK.
- Initiated ‘Flora of Yanam’.
Project Proposal:
Submitted Proposal for the project ‘Herbarium Preparation of Mangrove Diversity of East Godavari River Estuarine Ecosystem (EGREE) Region, Andhara Pradesh’ to EGREE Foundation, UNDP – GEF - Govt. of India – Govt. of Andhra Pradesh.
Future Plans:
- To provide application and employment-oriented skills under BSc Botany course.
- To fulfill all seats under BSc Botany.
- To develop one Digital classroom in the department.
- To improve practical and field Botany knowledge by conducting various field trips to the nearby localities
- To develop ‘Botanical Garden’ and ‘Plant Kingdom’ representatives in the Garden.
- To complete ‘Nature Book’ an open class room under Green Initiatives.
- To provide counselling and guidance to the students for various competitive examinations under SSC, UPSC, Public Service Commission etc.
- To provide hands on training on Mushroom culture, Gardening, Landscaping, Sericulture etc.
- To develop ‘Terrace Garden’ in the Department building terrace.
- Encourage BSc Botany students for Higher education and Research activities in various application-oriented fields of Botany.
Botany Museum & Herbarium: Click Here to View
Digital Classes in Department of Botany

Practicals in Botany Laboratory